We've noticed the brussels sprouts have started forming the side buds that become the small heads we see in the produce section. That's exciting!
The pests are at it like mad. I've been hand picking stink bugs, squash bugs, Japanese beetles, asparagus beetles, and the first tomato horn worm of the season.
Total produce count for the year:
53 strawberries
17 raspberries(golden variety)
1 blackberry
7 blueberries
1/16 lb sweet banana peppers
1/4 lb sweet bell peppers
1.2 lb assorted (green)bean pods
5/8 lb cucumber
2.75 lb zucchini squash
1.25 lb yellow squash
3/4 lb kohlrabi
1/4 lb red onion (bulb)
6.5 lbs carrot roots
7/8 lb beet roots
4 heads of garlic
4 garlic scapes
7.6 lb sweet/snap peas
15.5 lb assorted dark greens
7/8 lb baby radishes/greens
1/4 lb mature radish roots
46.5 lb assorted lettuce
5.1 lb spinach
1/2 lb New Zealand spinach
4 1/4 lb turnip roots
2.63 lb miner's lettuce
3/16 lb mache/corn salad
5/8 lb baby greens
1/3 lb arugula
5 asparagus spears
3 trays of wheat grass(inside)
3 trays micro greens(grown inside)
A countless amount of:
parsley, basil, peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, burnet, fennel, thyme, dill, green onions