Friday, April 1, 2011

Green season on a cloudy day

It's cloudy and windy so it's a good day to work in the greenhouse, where it's a perfect 70 degrees.  I picked some weeds, and thinned more lettuce. I finally picked some spinach today. Each spinach plant got 1 or 2 leaves picked off. The baby spinach is super tender and will make a great mixed green salad. In addition to spinach, I also picked some immature miner's lettuce, and some mache(corn salad) greens that had overwintered. The total produce count today was about 1/2 pound of yummy leaves.

The strawberry plants in the greenhouse are beginning to flower. I have been plucking the flowers from the smaller of plants, but I'm letting the bigger plants go to fruit.  Speaking of flowering strawberries, I noticed many flowers on the wild strawberries around the yard. Those viney weeds you may not even notice produce miniature strawberries about the size of a blueberry. Here's a website that I found that talks about wild strawberries:

Many of the seedlings from our living room have slowed growth, so I put them in the greenhouse. I'm hoping the increased sunlight will get them growing strong again.  The space heater keeps the temperature above 50 degrees at night, so there will be no frosts to worry about. Under the low tunnels I had experimentally transplanted a few cucumber and borage plants. The frosty nights got them. I guess the low tunnels are still not storing enough heat to get them through sub freezing nights.

 Above: Flowering strawberry plants surrounded by flower seedlings(left)

 Above: deer tongue lettuce(left), a tomato plant(center), dill(right)
 Above: carrots(left), Peas & Miners lettuce(right)

 Above: Closeup of miners lettuce(left), flower seedlings(center), lettuce with an onion backdrop(right)
 Above:deer tongue lettuce(left), strawberry flowers(center), the low tunnels & greenhouse(right)

Total produce count for the year:
1 handfull wheat grass
1 1/3 lb dark greens
1 3/16 lb lettuce
1/8 lb spinach
1/8 lb miner's lettuce
1/16 lb mache (corn salad)
5/8 lb micro greens
1/3 lb arugula
2 asparagus spears

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