Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Greenhouse and seedlings update

Mid January has brought many cold days with temperatures barely above freezing if I was lucky. This didn't stop Deb and I from working on the greenhouse at the big garden.  Last week we finished the frame. This week we bundled up, made some hot tea go go, and finished the base frame, main wall, and door. The plastic just arrived from, a 3mil 20'x50' sheet of polyethylene. We have invested somewhere around $120 with everything. Deb and I are waiting for a clear snow-free forecast to hang the plastic. I'm waiting for dryer soils to run the rotor-tiller inside the greenhouse beds.

The first seedlings have been planted and have sprouted. I used the new self-made syringe small soil blocker with some organic potting mix. The plants seem to be growing at a rapid rate and with good health. The cabbage and kale are the pace setters, both making fast progress and noticeable growth every day. The spinach seeds have germinated a bit slower and are finally showing a sprout pushing through the soil surface. The mini greenhouse made from an upside down Office Depot storage bin does the trick of keeping a warm humid environment for the baby plants.

In other news, the worm composter is doing well and I have spotted many new baby worms. Deb and I have planted a sweet potato in the window to grow many sprouts which will all turn into sweet potato factories in the garden. The neighborhood community garden idea in my community has been canned (apparently they think a community garden will cost money to start up..). Lastly, Deb and I have more aloe plants than we know what to do with; those things keep reproducing!!

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