It's March 1st! The farmers markets aren't going yet, but I am eating fresh local produce tonight. From the small garden, I picked some overwintered arugula, kale, turnip greens, and mache(corn salad). It's not a huge exciting meal, but there's something special about the first home-grown eats of the season.
One of the goals I had in mind when I started this blog is a tally of all the produce grown by Deb and I. Today will be the first addition to this count; 1/8 pound of greens.

In other news, the self watering bucket planters project has started. I decided not to mess around with fittings at the entry and exit to each bucket reservoir. Instead I simply ran a garden hose through each bucket and drilled an 1/8" hole in the hose. When the water reservoir fills, the overflow just below the soil bucket will release excess water. The trick to this system working is that the lower bucket must have a waterproof seal around the hose entry/exit. I have used marine grade silicone sealant to seal the gap. On the outside of the bucket I will next use foam insulation, the kind you use around windows and doors to stop air transfer. The foam insulation is glue that expands and finds any possible leak, then hardens.
Total produce count for the year:
1/8 lb dark greens
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