Sunday, August 7, 2011

Produce update, woah

Heading out the door for a short vacation. Before I go, here's the latest produce update:

Total produce count for the year:
35 ears of corn
53 strawberries
17 raspberries(golden variety)
12 blackberries
10 blueberries
0.2 lb eggplant
0.6 lb okra
3/16 lb sweet banana peppers
.91 lb sweet bell peppers
2.76 lb assorted (green)bean pods
12 .05 lb cucumber
11.17 lb zucchini squash
2.25 lb yellow squash
5.62 lb butternut squash
3 lb pumpkin
1/2 lb muskmelon
17.4 lb tomatoes
1.69 lb cherry tomatoes
1.7 lb kohlrabi
4.96 lb  onions (bulbs)
9.08 lbs carrot roots
1.25 lb beet roots
1.75 lb potatoes
12 heads of garlic
4 garlic scapes
7.6 lb sweet/snap peas
15.8 lb assorted dark greens
7/8 lb baby radishes/greens
1/4 lb mature radish roots
46.5 lb assorted lettuce
5.1 lb spinach
1/2 lb New Zealand spinach
4.8 lb turnip roots
2.63 lb miner's lettuce
3/16 lb mache/corn salad
5/8 lb baby greens
1/3 lb arugula
5 asparagus spears
3 trays of wheat grass(inside)
3 trays micro  greens(grown inside)
A countless amount of:
  parsley, basil, peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, burnet, fennel, thyme, dill, green onions, chives, stevia

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