Sunday, August 14, 2011

We got back from our trip at the beach to find an unkempt garden. Weeds were everywhere, tomato plants were toppling over at the top, and the vining okra with their sharp vines are out of control. We had a plentiful harvest waiting for us. There was a beautiful ripe cantaloupe, along with about a dozen cucumbers,  a few tomatoes, half a dozen yellow carrots, a fat zucchini, a green pepper, an ear of corn, and a 5 gallon bucket worth of kale greens. 

Total produce count for the year:
36 ears of corn
53 strawberries
17 raspberries(golden variety)
12 blackberries
10 blueberries
0.2 lb eggplant
0.12 lb okra
0.31 lb sweet banana peppers
1.01 lb sweet bell peppers
2.76 lb assorted (green)bean pods
19 .18 lb cucumber
11.92 lb zucchini squash
2.25 lb yellow squash
5.62 lb butternut squash
3 lb pumpkin
1/2 lb muskmelon
2 cantaloupes
17.65 lb tomatoes
1.69 lb cherry tomatoes
1.7 lb kohlrabi
4.96 lb  onions (bulbs)

9.27 lbs carrot roots
1.25 lb beet roots
1.75 lb potatoes
12 heads of garlic
4 garlic scapes
7.6 lb sweet/snap peas

16.2 lb assorted dark greens
7/8 lb baby radishes/greens
1/4 lb mature radish roots
46.5 lb assorted lettuce
5.1 lb spinach
1/2 lb New Zealand spinach
4.8 lb turnip roots
2.63 lb miner's lettuce
3/16 lb mache/corn salad
5/8 lb baby greens
1/3 lb arugula
5 asparagus spears
3 trays of wheat grass(inside)
3 trays micro  greens(grown inside)
A countless amount of:
  parsley, basil, peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, burnet, fennel, thyme, dill, green onions, chives, stevia

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